Tuesday, 1 November 2016

History of the Internet and Internet Development Complete

History of the Internet and Internet Development Complete

Internet history - Most people of the world are now using the Internet, one could even say almost everyone, especially in urban areas had received his internet access. 

But it is still a lot of people in different parts of the world, even including in Indonesia who still can not enjoy access to the internet, which cause her quite a lot, partly because the area is too far away to reach the Internet network, the lack of attention from the local government, and many again. Do you know? Internet history begins with the creation of a computer network technology in 1960

What is a Network? The computer network is multiple computers connected to each other by using a cable in a location that has a reciprocal relationship, for example, in an office or building.

Developments that are currently experienced by the Internet world very rapidly. How not, which was only enjoyed by certain people and their functions are limited, now everyone can use it without exception with access to information that is much broader and more diverse functions.
It certainly ditennggarai by the great inventions that exist on the Internet itself. Maybe only rural communities in Indonesia who have not found internet access, because the construction of the Internet network in Indonesia is uneven.
It may be quite difficult to develop the Internet in Indonesia than in other countries, because our country is an archipelago every split-split island.

We as internet users in this modern age would be very useful when studying about the history of the internet, as a token of our thanks for the internet is able to change the world civilization.
Because we think maybe a lot of people who are very dependent on the Internet in their daily lives, ranging from the use of social media as entertainment or business, read interesting articles on the website, to chat with friends nearby activities. Let's look more detail by describing the history of Espilen Blog below.

History of the Internet

History began on August 1962 and the creation of the Internet was first put forward by someone named J.C.R Licklider of MIT Massachutts Institute of Technology. The initial concept called "Galactic Network" by himself. He argues about how the global network that enables people to access data and programs from anywhere. In October 1962 he headed the computer research program at ARPA which is part of the United States Defense Departmenet.

The project of ARPANET was to design a form of network, reliability, and how much information can be transferred, which ultimately all the standards that they set into embryo development of new protocols that now we know the term TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol).

The early history of the construction project was for military purposes. At that time the US Department of Defense (US Department of Defense) to make a computer network system that is spread by linking computers in areas vital to address the problem of a nuclear attack and to avoid the occurrence of centralized information, which in the event of war can be easily destroyed.

In 1966 Larry Roberts developed the concept of computer networks. Then he plans jaringa called ARPANET which was published in 1967. In 1969 ARPANET had involved four computers connected.

Internet history also begins with the first computers located at the University of California Los Angelos, the second computer at Stanford Research Institute, a third computer is located at the University of California Barbara and koputer to emat located at the University of Utah. In 1971, the number of computers connected to the ARPANET reached 14 units. This year also the Telnet and FTP protocols successfully constructed. In 1972, Larry Roberts and Bob Kahn introduced ARPANET at ICCC conference held in Washignton.

History In 1972 the historical development of the Internet explains Ray Tomliinson write programs that enable electronic mail is sent to the network ARPNET. It was he who designed the conversion of "user @ host." In the same year the ARPANET uses NCP to transfer data. In the same year ARPA are changed its name to DARPA. The additional letter D comes from the Defense. At this year's international ARPANET connects first with the University College of London and the Royal Establishment in Norway.

History in 1978 to Unix Copy Protocol found in Bell labs. This program is useful for file transfer. In 1979 news group named USENET operates on the basis of UUCP. Its creator is Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis (both students at Duke University) and Steven Bellovin (from the University of North Carolina).

Users from around the world to join this discussion group to discuss network issues, politics, religion and various other topics. Internet history, in 1982 the DCA or the Defense Communications Agency and DARPA formed a protocol called TCP / IP on the ARPANET. Furthermore, the US Department of Defense declared TCP / IP as a sntadar. That's when the internet is defined as a collection of connected networks using TCP / IP as a protocol.

The history of the Internet in 1983 was John Postel and Paul Mockapetris and Craig Partidge develop the Domain Name System (DNS) and mengusulka user@host.cdomain shaped observation systems. DNS was introduced in 1984 on the internet by mentioning the names of such types of domains. .gov, .mil, .org, .net and .com.

In 1986, TCP / IP became available in workstaiton and PC. This year, the National Science Foundation funded NSFNET backbone Internet capacity of 56 kbps and regulate the Internet is only intended for research purposes and the government that are not commercially viable.

List of Important Events In Internet History and Development

Soviet Union (now Russia) launched spacecraft, Sputnik.

In the aftermath of the "defeat" the United States in launching spacecraft, formed an agency within the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which aims to make the United States is able to improve the science and technology of the country. One aim is computer technology.

Internet history in this year is a J.C.R. Licklider wrote an article about a vision in which computers can be connected to one another globally so that each computer is able to offer access to programs and data. In this year also RAND Corporation began research on this idea (distributed computer networks), which is intended for military purposes.


Theories about the packet-switching can be implemented in the real world.

The term "Hypertext" issued by Ted Nelson.

Tymnet network were made.

ARPANET network members increased to 23 pieces of computer nodes, consisting of computers to research the United States government and universities.

A working group called the International Network Working Group (INWG) designed to improve computer network technology and also makes standards for computer networks, among them is the Internet. The first speaker of this organization is Vint Cerf, who then called the "Father of the Internet".

Some services commercial databases such as Dialog, SDC Orbit, Lexis, The New York Times databank, and more, register themselves with the ARPANET through dial-up networking.

ARPANET outside the United States: This year, members of the ARPANET grew again with the inclusion of some universities outside the United States the University College of London of England and the Royal Radar Establishment in Norway.

Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn publish detailed specification protocol Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) in the article "A Protocol for Packet Network Interconnection".

Bolt, Beranet & Newman (BBN), pontraktor for ARPANET, opened a commercial version of

ARPANET which they refer to as Telenet, which is the first public packet data service.

Already there are 111 pieces of computers that have been connected to ARPANET.

TCP split into two parts, namely the Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol (TCP / IP).

Usenet discussion group first created by Tom Truscott, Jim Ellis and Steve Bellovin, a graduate of Duke University and the University of North Carolina, United States. After that, the use of Usenet has increased drastically. It is interesting, in this year also emoticon proposed by Kevin McKenzie.

Early 1980s
Personal computer (PC) struck, and a part of many human lives. This year recorded ARPANET has a membership of up to 213 hosts connected. Service BITNET (Because It's Time Network) begins, by providing e-mail services, mailing list, and File Transfer Protocol (FTP).
CSNET (Computer Science Network) was built this year by scientists and experts in computer science from various universities.
